Tree Cabling and Bracing

Sometimes as our trees age, they may require a little more support than when they were the younger and stronger versions of themselves, much like our own grandparents. Well, rather than replacing them with a newer model, we have methods that can help you provide the support for the trees you love when they need it the most. Cabling and bracing methods help your trees grow in ways that enhance your property's appearance, but they also provide you the peace of mind you need to know that your property is safe. 

Tree Cabling
Tree cabling uses the strength of a tree to support other weaker branches with the use of cables. This process is done by installing a series of cables throughout the tree promoting healthy growth paths supported by the tree itself. The cables are designed to blend in with the tree's appearance so that they don't stand out as an eyesore. Our team of professionals at Broken Arrow Tree Services will gladly come out to assess your trees regularly, making sure that they have all the areas they need, where they need it. Our focus is on supporting our community, making sure their properties are safely protecting their families and clients. 

Tree Bracing 
Tree bracing is an alternative method of securing weak branches within a tree, however, this is done in a more intrusive way. Tree bracing prevents a tree branch from freely swaying with the wind, making sure that it is securely held in place at all times by the brace. This method is typically used for trees that are in need for urgent attention and that are posing a risk to a property. If a tree gets to the stage where it requires bracing, it is likely that it will need to be removed at some point if the weakness spreads. 

Early Detection 
The most dangerous part about weak branches is that it can be completely undetectable. That is why you should have a professional tree care provider tending to your trees, such as Broken Arrow Tree Services. We have been working with trees for years, which means our experience levels allow us to detect weakened branches, identifying whether they need 
support or removal. Our knowledge is one of the most valuable parts of engaging our team, because it is able to save thousands of dollars in damage for our clients. So why would you risk it and have your trees looked after by anyone else? 
Established Trees 
These support methods are typically used to secure the larger and more vital branches of an established tree, allowing our clients to hold onto their beloved trees for a little longer. We do this to try and save trees wherever possible, because we know the character our old trees provide to our properties. If you are concerned about the strength of a tree on your property, please contact our team as soon as possible for our expert opinion and advice. 

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