Insect and Disease Control

Broken Arrow Tree Services is committed to keeping our client's trees well maintained, which means staying on top of any insect infestations and spread of disease. These are often not easily visible to the average person, which is why you need an expert to look after your trees. Our team has an abundance of knowledge that allows us to provide the best possible tree health care you could find in Oklahoma. Here we explain a few areas of insect and disease control and why these are so important to ensure your trees' health and longevity and the safety and appearance of your property.
Tree Inspections & Pruning
As free-flowing trees grow at their own will, sometimes they can get a bit out of hand. Having a professional tending to them can stop them from overgrowing, help them grow in the right way, and also pick up on issues along the way. If you have an insect issue within your tree, this is something we will be able to pick up in a pruning service. We like to be proactive with our client's tree health, so picking up early signs of a pest problem can help us get the right measures in place before it starts to get out of control. But don't worry, we know how to give pruning services that won't leave your tree looking bare, still giving you that lush look you love. 

Disease Prevention
The most significant benefit of our team of using our team of experts, is the knowledge we hold. We have many years' experience working with trees, always taking the time to understand them and the common diseases that occur in different species. When we notice any signs of disease within your tree on our regular service visits, we communicate this with you and let you know how it can be fixed. If we can pick up on this early, we are mostly able to save a tree. If it does end up that your tree needs to be removed, we can help you with that as well. 

Overall Health
You wouldn't expect a dentist to be able to look at a tree and determine what is wrong with it, which is why we don't expect our clients to know when their tree is having health issues. One of the main points of regular tree services is understanding and maintaining the health of your tree. This includes checking that they are getting the nutrition they need, no pests are compromising them, or hidden diseases are lurking beneath the surface. 

Maintenance Agreements
Each of the matters we have discussed here can be kept on top of with regular maintenance by our professionals at Broken Arrow Tree Services. To make this more accessible for everyone, we offer long term agreements that help to keep the costs lower for you. We care for the health of your trees, and understand the importance of disease and pest prevention, making us the best team for the job. 

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