Tree and Brush Trimming

Most of our clients are exceptionally proud of their property's appearance, which is why they like to have it looked after by the professionals. One thing you can't go past when you have trees and bushes on your property, is trimming 
services. Without these regular services, properties can quickly start to look like an overgrown jungle. Our team at Broken Arrow Tree Services has perfected the art that is perfectly trimmed trees and bushes. You won't find any bare, over trimmed gardens with our clients, just perfectly manicured and well-tended, healthy features. Here we explain the difference between pruning and trimming, as well as how our team can help you healthily reach those appearance dreams. 
Tree & Bush Pruning
Tree and bush pruning is designed to protect trees from things like insects and diseases. Pruning removes troublesome areas that can contribute to the spread of infection or infestations, which will help get your tree back to its peak health condition. Pruning is often more of an intensive service than trimming, and is what can occasionally give that over trimmed look. This can happen either if you are having your trees serviced by someone who is unable to identify the crucial points, or if you tree has been so badly damaged with disease or insects that major sections need to be removed.
Tree & Bush Trimming
Trimming is the service we give to trees and bushes to enhance the appearance and growth of your garden. This is an aesthetic treatment that keeps your property looking its best all year round. Broken Arrow Tree Services provide our clients with regular trimming to maintain their properties to the highest standards, preventing them from growing wild and unruly. Sometimes this can mean a big trim is needed to keep a tree or bush within a certain area. Sometimes, it can mean more meticulous services to keep your hedges perfectly in line. 
Regular Services
We know that the requirement for ongoing maintenance can be a pain for our clients, so we have made some agreements that make it easier for you! Whether you need services weekly, monthly, quarterly or seasonally, we are here to make it simple. If you want to do a set and forget arrangement with us, we can help you schedule the appointments for the year which make sure your trees are getting the attention they require, while you don't have to think about it. We can just send you a courtesy reminder beforehand to remind you we are coming, and that is all sorted out for you. 
Professional Advice 
One of the advantages of having your trees and bushes looked after by Broken Arrow Tree Services is our knowledge base. We are able to inspect and identify any damage, weak spots, infestations or diseases within your tree, that other people would not be able to do. This is one of the reasons our clients have peace of mind when we are tending to the trees of their properties. 

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